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KPImg Visual


This visual can be used by this ways:

When you select one measure for Value field and one measure for Target field. Aditionally you can selecect a OK image and KO image and de KO value for show the image based on the completion of your value over target.

When you select one measure for value field, one measure for Target field and one attribute for Thrend axis field. The color (KO or OK) of the thred area is setted by the sing of the coeficient of the regression line calculated by minimum squares.

These are the fields available for the visual

This field is optional. In this field you must put from one attribute of your model. When you put an attribute into this field and Value and Target fields are pressents, the KPI shows the thrend axis under percent value.

This field is mandatory. In this field you can put one measure of your model.

This field is mandatory. In this field you can put one measure of your model.

These are the options available for the visual

In this section you can configure general options of the visual. These are the available options:

You can configure this option using a valid URL or base65 image. When you set this propertie and Image KO propertie, the KPI shows one of the two image as background dependien on Value/Target percent over KO Percent Value

You can configure this option using a valid URL or base65 image. When you set this propertie and Image KO propertie, the KPI shows one of the two image as background dependien on Value/Target percent over KO Percent Value

When Image KO and Image OK are pressents, it sets the value over that the KPI shows the OK value and under that it shows the KO image

Font color of the percent text

Font family of the percent text

Transparency of the percent text.

It sets the vertical align of the percent text (top, middle or bottom)

It sets the color of the thrend axis area when the coeficient of the regression line is great than 0

It sets the color of the thrend axis area when the coeficient of the regression line is lower than 0

It sets the color of the thrend axis area when there are only one value in the thrend axis attribute

It sets transparency of the thrend axis area


Initial version of the visual


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